Tatra Banka Reports 2002 Preliminary Net Profit of SKK 2.5 Bln.
31. januára 2003

According to preliminary non-audited results, Tatra Banka, a.s. made a net profit of SKK 2.5 billion over 2002 whereas in previous year the bank netted SKK 3.1 billion. The bank’s balance sheet total exceeded SKK 121 billion last year, up roughly SKK 9 billion, said head of Tatra Banka’s public relations department Roman Zacka.

Client deposits increased by SKK 6.5 billion over the last quarter of 2002 to a total SKK 95.9 billion, up 16 percent y/y. Loans to clients increased by SKK 3.4 billion over Q4 to SKK 51.6 billion, up 17 percent y/y.

In 2002 Tatra Banka concentrated on retail banking. It expanded its branch network and developed electronic banking products and retail loans. The bank opened 15 branches and increased the number of its retail offices to 94. The bank had 2,700 employees at the end of 2002 and plans a 10-percent increase this year.

The majority shareholder in Tatra Banka is Austrian Raiffeisen Zentralbank Oesterreich, controlling 72.3 percent of shares, and Tatra Holding with 14.1 percent.

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