Popularity of Payments Using Visa Cards is Rising in Slovakia
10. januára 2003

Slovak holders of Visa cards carried out 7 million transactions between September 2001 and September 2002. The volume of transactions made in Slovakia amounted to SKK 5.9 billion, up 74 percent y/y, Visa International informed on Thursday.

Visa Electron debit card is the most popular card issued by Visa International in Slovakia when they accounted for 6.2 million transactions. This translated into a 75 percent growth. The value of transactions soared by 67 percent. When measured by the ratio of transactions made and the number of Visa Electron cards, Slovakia outran the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary or Romania.

Visa International issued a total of 900,007 cards in Slovakia by the end of September 2002, out of which 20,000 were credit cards. Roughly 1,200 ATMs and almost 10,000 point-of-sale (POS) terminals accept Visa cards in Slovakia.

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