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27. októbra 2008

Aktuálne tlačené vydanie  týždenníka The Economist  opäť prinieslo zaujímavé čítanie. Doporučujeme začať nasledovnými článkami:

Who’s next?
„Countries such as the ex-communist ones in eastern Europe are particularly at risk during periods of financial turmoil. First, because the counterpart of soaring foreign investment has been gaping current-account deficits (Latvia’s, for example, peaked at 26% of GDP in the third quarter of last year). Second, their central banks and governments are unlikely to be able to muster the financial firepower now being deployed in the big economies of the West.“

Thawing out 
“THE world’s banking system may still be in intensive care, kept alive with the help of generous infusions of state capital and liquidity. Yet there have been hopeful—albeit tentative—signs of recovery.“

Tento projekt je podporený z Európskeho sociálneho fondu


30. 1. 2025

USD 1,040 0,001
CZK 25,121 0,001
GBP 0,837 0,000
HUF 407,250 0,830
CAD 1,500 0,001