Ministry Works on Sectoral Operational Plan of Industry and Services
7. augusta 2003

Ministry of Economy is currently finishing reworking the sectoral operational plan for industry and services, which the European Commission had sent back as unacceptable earlier this year. After being adopted by a monitoring commission, the whole plan will be again submitted to the European Commission in September this year, informed Minister of Economy Robert Nemcsics at a press conference on Wednesday.

The sectoral operational plan for industry and services is intended to help all regions of Slovakia, except Bratislava region. Currently EUR 133.75 million is allocated for this program, out of which 55 percent are earmarked for projects which are to support competitiveness of industry and services in Slovakia with the use of domestic growth potential. Ministry of Economy considers this task to be of dominant importance within the whole program of the sectoral operational plan. Other 45 percent of the funds are destined for projects related to tourism, to what EU puts stress on.

Robert Nemcsics points to three risks when implementing this plan. Firstly, Mr. Nemcsics is concerned about possible complications with co-financing of the aid from the structural fund for small and middle-sized companies. From the aspect of time, Mr. Nemcsics sees dangers related to the amendment to the law on public procurement, since only a short time for processing of a manual and training of beneficiaries of aid is stipulated here. Finally, he sees the third risk in incorporation of EU legislation in the field of state aid in our laws.

The Ministry of Economy plans to begin a series of information meetings and training, where detailed information will be presented concerning possibilities of drawing and using European Union funds. Also consulting and information agencies and a network of offices of Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry will be cooperating within these meetings. Moreover, several industrial associations showed interest in this field as well..

Mr. Nemcsics touched also a problem of staffing his ministry by Euro officials. According to Mr. Nemcsics, his office, contrary to others, does not encounter any problems, since these posts are filled to 90 percent up till now.

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