Labor Ministry Rejects Criticism by Trade Unions
10. januára 2003

The Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family does not agree with objections delivered by trade unions against a prepared revision to the Labor Code. It argues that the revision would provide employees more space in relations with employers and freedom to select the type of work contracts. Thus the ministry sees objections by trade unions as unjustified, the ministry’s department of public relations informed SITA.

On Thursday morning, the Trade Unions Confederation (KOZ) launched its protest in front of the ministry to express dissatisfaction with Labor Code changes proposed by the ministry. Trade unions maintain that the planned amendment reduces existing rights of employees embedded in the valid Labor Code.

The ministry maintains that the revision erases many bans limiting citizens in employment and thus, limits their ability to improve their living standards. Valid Labor Code regulations are often ignored, which reduces protection for employees. The revision fits the needs of modern labor laws under market economy conditions and provides bargaining space needed by employees and employers for mutually advantageous relations.

Trade unionists will hold protest rallies from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. over several consecutive days.

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