Invertovaný Marx.
21. októbra 2008

“Investiční bankári nemôžu nič iné získať,  iba svoje okovy.“  Takto inverzne interpretuje  Marxov proletársky výrok tyždenník The Economist v článku, ktorý sa venuje stručnej historíí  moderných financií v súvislosti s krizou.  V tom istom vydaní sa nachádza aj článok, ktorý sa venuje dôsledkom finančnej krízy v oceliarstve a lodnej doprave.  Kliknutim na názov člankov sa dostanenete ne ich originálnu verziu.

Link by link 
In America, the bulwark of free enterprise, and in Britain, the pioneer of privatisation, financial firms have had to accept rescue and part-ownership by the state. As well as partial nationalisation, the price will doubtless be stricter regulation of the financial industry. To invert Karl Marx, investment bankers may have nothing to gain but their chains.“
„Deregulation may not have been the main cause of the rise in living standards over the last 30 years, but it helped more than it harmed. Will the new, regulated world be as benign?“

Meanwhile, in the real economy…
„… the recent fall in raw-material prices and the decline in shipping costs indicate just how far-reaching the consequences of the global financial crisis will be for the global economy.“
“….buyers’ letters of credit have not been honoured, because of a lack of confidence in the banks that underwrite them“

Tento projekt je podporený z Európskeho sociálneho fondu


3. 3. 2025

USD 1,047 0,005
CZK 25,097 0,068
GBP 0,825 0,001
HUF 400,430 0,930
CAD 1,510 0,008