Economy Minister to be in Charge of Development of Car Industry
3. júla 2003

On Monday the Slovak cabinet decided to abolish the office of the government plenipotentiary for the development of the automotive industry in Slovakia. From now on Economy Minister Robert Nemcsics will be charge of the development of the automotive industry in Slovakia. Former government plenipotentiary for the development of the car industry Jan Pribula has been holding this office since August 2001. The establishment of the office of plenipotentiary in 1997 was closely linked with the entry of the German carmaker Volkswagen and its sub-contractors to Slovakia. Mr. Nemcsics considers the chances of the South Korean carmaker Hyundai Motors Company the same as a half-year ago. “ We are providing to this potential investor, but also to other ones, all relevant information and the terms of investments are unchanged from the viewpoint of state subsidies. We provide mainly information helping to choose a locality appropriate for the construction of a plant, and would provide required labor forces and structure of subcontractors,“ said Mr. Nemcsics after the cabinet’s meeting. He also added that although he is not familiar with the offers of other countries to the South Korean carmaker, the main advantage of Slovakia is that the country is on the way to introduce new tax legislation.

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