Index ESO v dosiahol minulý rok v novembri 102,2 bodu

Index tak prerušil svoje rok a pol trvajúce rastové obdobie

15. januára 2003 

Assets of Mutual Funds in Slovakia Climb to SKK 16 Bln. in 2002

Mixed funds, which used to be the most liquid in the past, maintained a 32-percent share of the respective market in Slovakia

15. januára 2003 

Open-End Mutual Funds Mostly with Slight Gains Last Week

Almost all bond and equity funds posted moderate gains, and mixed and master funds, also reported favorable development, according to weekly data released by ASS

15. januára 2003 

Privatization of Strategic Firms can be Completed on Stock Exchange

Also in Hungary, part of privatization will be via the stock exchange, stated Hungarian Finance Minister Csaba Laszlo

15. januára 2003 

Alstom Acted in line with Business Practice in Light Trains Tender

Jozef B, along with a previous bribery accusation, is accused of accepting a bribe

15. januára 2003 

Slovakia Got Additional USD 65 Mln. for 49 Percent in Gas Utility SPP

National Bank of Slovakia received the additional payment on Tuesday evening

15. januára 2003 

Slovensko dostalo za 49 % akcií SPP ďalších 65 mil. USD

Konzorcium zložené z nemeckej spoločnosti Ruhrgas a francúzskeho podniku Gaz de France už zaplatilo za podiel v slovenskom dominantnom prepravcovi zemného plynu 2,7 mld. USD

15. januára 2003 

Nové firmy pre kolektívne investovanie na trhu

Zmeny v Asociácii správcovských spoločností sa uskutočnia dnes

15. januára 2003 

Petition Demanding NATO Entry Referendum Starts Tuesday

The petition starts at the same time in other large cities in Slovakia, Kosice, Banska Bystrica and Presov

14. januára 2003 

Slovak and Hungarian Parliaments to Discuss Sensitive Issues

Ms. Szili and Mr. Hrusovsky think that parliaments could continue discussions, which has frozen at the level of governments

14. januára 2003 

Tento projekt je podporený z Európskeho sociálneho fondu


20. 1. 2025

USD 1,032 0,002
CZK 25,209 0,056
GBP 0,846 0,001
HUF 413,150 0,500
CAD 1,492 0,006