Alstom Acted in line with Business Practice in Light Trains Tender
15. januára 2003

Proceedings of Alstom during business talks on supply of light passenger train units for railway company Zeleznicna Spolocnost , a.s, (ZSSK) were standard and in line with regular business practice. Igor Snopek, communication director of Alstom in the Czech Republic and Slovakia told this SITA. „The company is sure it did not take a step beyond this framework. At the same time it rejects speculations questioning Alstom’s proceedings,“ he added. This way the company responded to raised further charges of former federal cabinet minister Jozef. B.

Jozef B, along with a previous bribery accusation, is accused of accepting a bribe.

Jan Bernat from Slovak General Attorney Office told SITA that Jozef B. is alleged to have promised victory in the tender to French company Alstom. Based on released information, the former minister wanted a reward of about SKK 35 million for acting in favor of Alstom.

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