Štandardná monetárna a fiškálna politika sa môže ukázať ako neúčinná a nemusí zabrániť dlhodobej recesii. Aká ekonomická politika nás zachrání pred defláciou ? To , že konečným nástrojom môže byť aj “vytlačenie” peňazí rozoberá The Economist v nasledovnom článku.
Putting the air back in
“Monetising a slug of public debt in this way is bound to be inflationary. But by this stage, inflation would be a blessing: an economy where conventional policy tools had failed would suffer from falling prices. A burst of inflation would lift asset prices, ease the weight on debtors (whose real burdens are increased by deflation) and improve public finances. Some central bankers will shudder at the thought. Some, but not all. Ben Bernanke, now the Fed chairman, recommended this course of action to Japan’s policymakers in 2003 (when he was a Fed governor)“