A merger of Slovak branches of the firms Compaq Computer and Hewlett-Packard is being completed. The merger will take effect on the day it is recorded in the corporate register, director of the successor company Hewlett-Packard Slovakia Peter Weber told SITA. He expects the district court to do so in January-February 2003. „On that day share capital of Compaq Computer Slovakia, s.r.o. will be transferred to the successor company and the firm Compaq Computer Slovakia will be canceled without liquidation,“ said Mr. Weber.
Shareholders decided to cancel Compaq Computer Slovakia without liquidation and on its merger with Hewlett-Packard at their general meeting on December 30, 2002.
The new Hewlett-Packard Company officially originated on May 7, 2002 after a merger of the two world renowned computer producers. The new company employs about 145,000 people and operates in over 160 countries. The merger secured the new company’s leading position in production of servers for Windows and UNIX platforms, PCs and business data storage devices. The new Hewlett-Packard ranked third among IT services providers. Sales of the new Hewlett-Packard have significantly approached the so-far dominant IBM.