December Unemployment Rate Up to 18.63 Percent
9. januára 2003

Preliminary figures released by the National Labor Office (NUP) indicate that the jobless rate in Slovakia reached 18.63 percent in late 2002. This represents a monthly growth of 0.59 percentage points. The unemployed numbered 503,815 in late December, up 15,774 persons, or 3.23 percent in one month. Compared with December 2001, the number of unemployed decreased by 29,837, or 5.59 percent, the office’s spokeswoman Lydia Vyborna told SITA. She stressed that the preliminary figures include all unemployed including people unable to take jobs immediately.

Over December 2002, job offices registered 35,717 new job seekers, down 5,707 people or 13.78 percent in a month. The inflow of job seekers was 2,437 people, or 6.39 percent lower than a year ago.

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